Brand Standards

August 2022


In June 1987, a National Logo was adopted by the American Farm Bureau Federation® Board of Directors to serve as the organization–wide symbol for Farm Bureau.

This document, as revised from time to time, sets forth guidelines for use and licensing of Oklahoma Farm Bureau® (OKFB) Insurance® as a licensed user of the branding of the American Farm Bureau®.

The guidelines included within this document are compliant with the national brand’s standards.

Widespread and consistent use of our marks will greatly strengthen the identity and image of OKFB (and, by extension the larger Farm Bureau brand) as a single, integrated organization representing the interests of our policyholders and other stakeholders and will strongly support our efforts to protect and enforce our name and logo so as to preserve and enhance the valuable goodwill and reputation they symbolize.

© 2022 No amendments or exceptions can be made without the written approval of the brand manager.

brand statement

This document contains basic guidelines and instructions for using and displaying the brand identity (logos, etc.) of OKFB. Inconsistent use of logos may result in confusion in the market and dilution of the OKFB brand and brand messaging. 


A brand is more than words. It’s more than a logo. The OKFB brand represents the set of ideas, principles and values that materialize at every mention or appearance of our name. Everything our brand represents depends on how we deliver our promise to visitors, board members, donors and employees. It’s a promise we strive to deliver in every point of contact, whether it’s a printed piece, a website, a phone call or a face-to-face interaction. 


OKFB is the legal owner of all registered and/ or non-registered trademarks referenced herein. Any use of such marks or marks that create a likelihood of confusion with such marks, without express written permission, constitutes trademark infringement and may be subject to action by the owners to protect its trademark rights. 


The National Logo, Farm Bureau® and Farm Bureau Insurance® are registered as United States service mark registrations in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, as are Oklahoma’s iterations of these national brands. Accordingly, the federal registration notice symbol ® (the letter “R” in a circle) should be used as follows: 

Oklahoma Farm Bureau® 
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance® 

Extent of Symbol (R) Usage: 
The registration symbol ® should be used so as to provide notice that the Marks are registered in the Patent and Trademark Office. However, use of the symbol ® does not need to be repeated with every repetition of a registered designation on the same page of a document. In text, the registration symbol need only appear with the first appearance of the Mark. 

For questions about trademark usage or to request a copy of the American Farm Bureau’s brand standards, please contact OKFB’s VP of Sales and Marketing. 

insurance & compliance requirements

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance, its agents and its employees are bound by strict federal and state guidelines in multiple aspects of our business, including marketing and communications. 

For these reasons, all public and policyholder communications, advertisements, letters, announcements, etc. must be submitted for approval to the brand manager, VP Insurance Marketing & Communications, prior to dissemination. He/she/they will determine whether further compliance evaluation is required.

When financial products such as life insurance or annuities are mentioned in a communication, the following disclaimer must be included on the same document in a font size of no smaller than 7 pt:

“Life insurance and annuity products offered through Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company. Property & Casualty products are offered through Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance & Affiliated Companies.”

disclaimers for compliance

In all cases, the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance logo would be used. 

Advertising of products like auto, home, life, annuities, commercial/business, farm/ranch: Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company/West Des Moines, IA. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company/Oklahoma City, OK. 

Advertising of general insurance products + broker/dealer products, like mutual funds: Securities & services offered through FBL Marketing Services, LLC+, 5400 University Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50266, 877/860-2904, Member SIPC. 

Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company+/West Des Moines, IA. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company/Oklahoma City, OK. +Affiliates 

Advertising of general insurance products + broker/dealer products, like mutual funds + financial planning/wealth management: Securities & services offered through FBL Marketing Services, LLC+, 5400 University Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50266, 877/860-2904, Member SIPC. 

Advisory services offered through FBL Wealth Management, LLC+. Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company+/West Des Moines, IA. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company/Oklahoma City, OK. +Affiliates 

Additional notes: 

  1. Anytime something new is created that references FBL products, VP Insurance Marketing & Communications will send to FBL compliance for approval. This may add day(s) to the turnaround time for agents. 
  2. Before creating an ad for an agent, please reach out to the VP Insurance Marketing & Communications. There is a good chance that an existing ad can be adapted instead of starting from scratch. 
  3. If products like Long-term Care and Disability Insurance are mentioned, additional disclosure will be needed: Long-term care and disability income insurance policies are underwritten by insurance companies that are not affiliated with our companies. 
  4. We typically don’t include agent titles on agent ads. If titles are included, disclosure could change, particularly for IARs if an agent wants to include Financial Advisor. It’s best to handle these on a case-by-case basis. 
  5. “Financial” doesn’t automatically require broker-dealer disclosure. 

Agent/Non-Registered Representative Business Cards & Letterhead: Titles: Agent 

Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company/West Des Moines, IA. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company/Oklahoma City, OK. 

Agent/Registered Representative Business Cards & Letterhead: Titles: Agent 

“Registered Representative/” needs to be added ahead of the broker/dealer disclosure: “Registered Representative/Securities & services…” 

Registered Representative/Securities & services offered through FBL Marketing Services, LLC+, 5400 University Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50266, 877/860-2904, Member SIPC. 

Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company+/West Des Moines, IA. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company/Oklahoma City, OK. +Affiliates 

IARs/Financial Advisor Business Cards & Letterhead: Titles: Agent, Financial Advisor 

“Registered Representative/” needs to be added ahead of the broker/dealer disclosure: “Registered Representative/Securities & services…” 

Registered Representative/Securities & services offered through FBL Marketing Services, LLC+, 5400 University Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50266, 877/860-2904, Member SIPC. 

Advisory services offered through FBL Wealth Management, LLC+. Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company+/West Des Moines, IA. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company/Oklahoma City, OK. +Affiliates 

name usage

The official name of this company is Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance. It should be referred to as “Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance” as first reference in all cases and may be referred to as “OKFB” in subsequent references within the same document or piece of communication.

Unacceptable representations of the brand name include but are not limited to:

  • Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual
  • OK Farm Bureau
  • Oklahoma FB
  • OK FB
  • O.K.F.B
  • okfb (except when referring to email addresses or URLs)
  • OFB

Logo usage & Rules

This brand standards guide is designed to help us keep the OKFB logo consistent across all media.  

The best brands are those that are recognizable and endearing, and consistency is the best way to stay in the minds of our stakeholders.

Exceptions can and do exist, so use your best judgment when deciding whether to break from any of these guidelines. If in doubt, ask the VP of Sales and Marketing.


The primary logo is unique to the OKFB brand and should be used whenever possible to instill a consistent identity in the market. Do not deviate from this mark unless circumstances require an alternative. The acceptable alternatives are summarized below. 

USAGE EXAMPLE: Business card, thank you card, envelope, email signature, letterhead, flyer, brochure, folder, side of vehicle, website, signage, video/television media, etc. 


When used as a one-color logo on any color other than white, the logo shall be used as an all white logo as depicted to the left. This includes the leaf (which is typically displayed in red). 

White or black embroidery on a solid colored clothing item or bag, etc. 

black & White

When used as a one-color logo on white, the logo shall be used as an all black logo as depicted to the left. This includes the leaf (which is typically displayed in red). The logo is not to be created in colors other than all black or all white. 

White or black embroidery on a solid colored clothing item or bag, etc. 

logo alternates

Download All

When choosing which version of the logo to display, always go with the primary logo if possible.

For instances when the primary logo is not a good fit, use alternative logo options. Always use a logo where the contrast and visibility enhance the brand. To elevate the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance brand, these are the suggested logos: 

logo example usage

Do's & Dont's

The following are examples of logo usage that violate the OKFB brand standards. These diminish the equity of the OKFB identity and should not be allowed under ANY circumstances.*

*Any deviation of the OKFB logo not adherent to these brand standards is strictly forbidden.
Please Do


For all variations of the OKFB logo, a safety zone around the symbol (indicated in cyan) will ensure visibility, clarity and impact. As illustrated, the minimum safety zone is equal to the height of the leaf element. Use the safety zone between the symbol and other graphic elements such as type, images and other logos to ensure it retains a strong presence wherever it appears.

Please Do


Where possible, allow even more
space around the OKFB logo (beyond the minimum).

Please Do


For clarity, visibility and to maintain brand equity, variations of the OKFB logo can be scaled down to a minimum size of 1.25 inches and .375 inches wide depending on the logo variation used.

Don't Do

never tilt

The OKFB logo should always be level and read from left to right.

Don't Do

never change colors

The OKFB logo should never be used in any color or combination of colors that are not expressly included among the approved color palette contained herein. The red leaf can only be used with the traditional black logo, never with the reverse white logo.

Don't Do

never add or remove elements

Do not add boxes, frames, circles or any other additional graphic elements around any portion of the logo. The brand manager reserves the right to use icon only.

Don't Do

never stretch or squeeze

Do not alter the height or the width of the OKFB logo independently. The logo should always be increased or reduced in size as a whole.

Don't Do

never change scale of elements

Do not adjust the sizes of individual elements within the logo independently from the whole. Always expand or reduce the ENTIRE mark as a single unit.

Don't Do

never change fonts

The individual letterforms within all accepted versions of the logo are not to be altered in any way.


Color Palette

OKFB colors are uniquely designed for the OKFB brand and should be used whenever possible. The Pantone colors (PMS) should be used for one-, two- or three-color printing (also called spot printing). The CMYK should be used for four-color or process printing. The RGB and Websafe should only be used for digital applications such as the Internet, TV or digital video.

PMS  7686
C98  M78  Y17  K4
R25  G79  B144
WEBSAFE  #194F90

PMS  485
CM97  Y100  K1
R225  G43  B38

WEBSAFE  #000000

primary colors

Only approved OKFB colors may be used. The blue is always to be Pantone 7686. The red is always to be Pantone 485. The black is always to be Pantone Black.

PMS  C2915
C57  M13  YK0
R95  G180  B229

R167  G167  B167

R236 G236 B236

secondary tints, shades & Complementary colors

There may be certain circumstances where a secondary color may be used to enhance the primary colors. A tint, shade or complementary color may be used. These colors are intended to complement the primary brand colors and should be used sparingly.

USAGE EXAMPLE: Website, print or digital ads, collateral, video graphics, etc.


Internal communications: For all internal communications it is recommended that a sans serif be used for all headers and sub headers and a serif be used for all body copy. Bold and italics of both varieties may be used. Please do not use any condensed versions. Advertising and marketing: For advertising and marketing purposes, exceptions may be made. All exceptions must be approved by the marketing and/or communcations manager. Digital applications: Because there are a limited number of fonts readily available on all computers, it is recommended that Arial be used.


primary font*

The OKFB primary font is Montserrat. The primary font should be used whenever possible. The variations of the Montserrat font family may be
used for headers and body copy where appropriate (italics, bold, light, condensed, etc.).


alternative font*

There may be certain instances where the primary font is not available. In these cases, a web-friendly font should be used. Arial will take the place of the primary font when the primary font is not available. 

USAGE EXAMPLE: Email, email signature, websites, etc.

Type Usage

primary typeface

Headers and Titles : Gotham Bold/Regular, all caps

Body Copy: Montserrat regular, sentence case.

Montserrat BoldaAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmM
NoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, massa vivaus vulputate quam sed at adipiscing, diam dolor, imperdiet masa sem egestas non vestibulum, risus erat. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, massa vivaus vulputate quam sed at adipiscing, diam dolor, imperdiet masa sem egestas non vestibulum, risus erat. 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, massa vivaus vulputate quam sed at adipiscing, diam dolor, imperdiet masa sem egestas non vestibulum, risus erat. 


When deciding to use photography for any OKFB project, there are several guidelines to consider. First and foremost, if in doubt, reach out to the VP Insurance Marketing & Communications for help.

OKFB has a photo library that contains agent photography as well as stock lifestyle photography for advertising and marketing purposes. Please see the VP Insurance Marketing & Communications if you need photos of employees, company events or other images that demonstrate our culture and values.

When photos include OKFB employees, please use groups of people when possible. It is imperative to allow time for the VP Insurance Marketing & Communications to review the images to ensure the individuals featured are still employed by or in good standing with OKFB.

All photography used should be high-resolution (300 dpi or more).

If stock photography is needed, proper usage rights must be purchased prior to distribution. See the VP of Sales and Marketing.


The OKFB icons were created as visual representation of OKFB products.

While they are not readily available for use, contact the VP Insurance Marketing & Communications for further assistance. Use may require incorporation of legal disclaimers.

general icons

Other Insurance
Farm & Ranch

roadside rescue

Roadside Service
Free For OKFB Members
Peace Of Mind
Travel With Confidence


All copy should follow current AP Style, with some institutional exceptions. AP Style standards will be reviewed on a project to project basis. For questions regarding copywriting, contact the VP of Sales and Marketing.


No periods, all caps.

Farm & Ranch

Ampersand, not a plus sign or “and” spelled out.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance

Must be spelled out upon first reference and use all caps or initial caps.

non-registered version*

Registered version*

Investment Adviser Representative*


Email Signature

An email signature is another tool that can be used to promote the OKFB brand. However, the most important part of an email, other than the message, is the sender’s name and contact information. A minimal email signature places importance on both and does not add unnecessary attachments that can slow emails due to the file size.

The guide to the left is the REQUIRED layout that ALL employees must implement and is available as a template by contacting the VP Insurance Marketing & Communications. The only acceptable font is Arial. The only acceptable colors should be RGB black (Websafe 000000) or RGB Blue (0536CB).

Employees should never add quotes, event information or any other additions to their signature line.

*The guides are examples and are not shown at 100%


Never break URL into more than one line of text.



Personas & message map

Keep scrolling to continue


Larry Chapman

Farm and ranch

As an independent farmer and rancher, I manage my farm for my family and community. Operating a farm means dealing with risk every day, so I need insurance I can depend on.

Challenge Landscape

  • Making decisions that maximize value
  • Being flexible to the environment
  • Wear multiple hats
  • Good at what I do and expect that same level
    of competency from others
  • Responsible for budget and value

Top Fears

  • Not being able to work
  • Paying for something I don’t need
  • Slow service
  • Wasting time
  • Not knowing the coverage I need to cover everything
  • Natural disaster weather events

Jobs to be done

  • Managing all Farm & Ranch operations, from payroll to repairing equipment to working
    the fields
  • Complying with environmental regulations
  • Managing/minimizing risks and diversifying ventures
  • Succession planning and managing family
View Full Profile

Wayne Ellison


I started this business because I am an entrepreneur — I have a vision for my life, career and business and I need partners that believe in that vision as much as I do.

Challenge Landscape

  • Makes decisions based on value
  • Hold peers in high regard — they’re mentors, friends and competitors
  • Wear multiple hats
  • Passionate and good at what I do and expect that from others
  • Responsible for budget and value
  • Time management
  • Innovating to stay with trends and demands
  • Controlling costs to and from business

Top Fears

  • Not being able to work
  • Wasting dollars that could be invested back into my business
  • Wasting time
  • Being let down by a partner or vendor
  • Economic downturn

Jobs to be done

  • Paperwork for permitting, payroll, receipt itemization, etc
  • Maintain and grow business
  • Marketing, advertising and promotions
  • Inventory management
  • Short- and long-term goal setting
View Full Profile
Message Map

primary message

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance is Made Of and Made For Oklahomans, so we have the knowledge and experience to meet your unique insurance coverage needs wherever and whenever you need  — we work hard to provide you protection you can trust through any challenge, new venture or life change.


Made of & Made For Oklahomans

Key Message

As Oklahomans, we’re resilient and tough. It’s how we’ve maintained roots here for generations. When it comes to protecting you, it’s more than a job — it’s how we take care of our home.

Target audience

Farm & Ranch


  • OKFB agents are Oklahomans
  • Largest domestic insurance company in Oklahoma
  • Agents are community members, invested in protecting both their personal and professional reputation
  • Work with local claims adjusters

Knowledge & Experience

Key Message

We protect Oklahomans best because we know Oklahoma, from open fields to downtown high-rises. Our agents will expertly tailor a policy to cover your home, vehicle, farm or small business.

Target audience

Farm & Ranch


  • Our agents know the job through personal experience — we can answer “how would
    you do it?”
  • We’ve protected Oklahomans for over 75 years
  • We tailor our policies to the unique needs
    of Oklahomans

Wherever & Whenever You Need

Key Message

With agents across the state, we’re close by and ready to help at a moment’s notice, whenever the moment arises — whether that means meeting you in the office, answering a quick text or driving out after a storm to help you recover.

Target audience

Farm & Ranch


  • Agents in all 77 Oklahoma counties
  • Agents are flexible in how they serve customers — in-person, over the phone, or on a tailgate
  • No matter the size of your business, you’ll receive quick, excellent service

You Can Trust

Key Message

Coverage from OKFB is real protection you can trust. We work hard to get you back on your feet whenever the unexpected happens.

Target audience

Farm & Ranch


  • Excellent claims service
  • Transparent, honest communication
  • Agents educate customers to ensure they not only have comprehensive coverage, but feel confident
    in it
  • Agents visit customers on-site to ensure they can provide the best, most complete coverage possible

For questions regarding the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance brand, including approvals, clarifications and permissions regarding the contents of this document, please contact the brand manager:

Greg Golden, VP of Sales and Marketing
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance
2501 N. Stiles Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73105